Experience Fatima in America

Bringing the peace and graces of Fatima to you.

Upcoming Events

General Information

To ensure a peaceful atmosphere for all our visitors, we kindly request that no pets are brought onto the shrine grounds.


674 Mountain View Rd E, Asbury NJ 08802


Grounds Open Daily 

9 a.m. – Dusk 

Gift Shop Open Daily

10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Shop Online 

Holy Mass

Daily, Including Weekends:  

12 p.m. NOON

Daily, including weekends:

11:30 a.m.


Daily, including weekends:

11:30 a.m. & After Mass

Deepen Your Faith. Encounter Our Lady of Fatima.

Connect with Us


Prayer Requests

Present your prayer intentions for remembrance at Mass.

Father Luke Mary Fletcher celebrating Mass at the National Blue Army Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima

Mass Associations

Enroll your loved ones in a Yearly or Perpetual Mass Association.

Capelinha at night 2


Support the Shrine and its mission to spread the message of Fatima.

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Mass Associations

Call us to enroll your loved ones in a Yearly or Perpetual Mass Association.



908-689-1700 x233