From our newsletter:
Dear Friends and Members of Our Lady’s Blue Army:
St. Padre Pio is the spiritual father of all members of the World Apostolate of Fatima/Blue Army. He stated, “I will stand at the gates of Paradise until all my spiritual children have entered.”
In honor of the saint’s upcoming feast day, the National Blue Army Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima will offer a Novena of Masses, Sept. 15 – 23.
We invite you to
enroll your loved ones and offer your prayer intentions, especially for those who are in need of conversion. This great saint, who bore the stigmata and suffered so willingly, stated:
“Once I take a soul on, I also take on their entire family
as my spiritual children.”
Masses are live-streamed daily at 12 noon ET, from Blessed Sacrament Chapel at the
Blue Army Shrine.
St. Padre Pio Feast Day Prayer
God our Father, by your Spirit you raised up St. Pio of Pietrelcina
to show your people the way to perfection.
You made him a pastor of the Church to feed your sheep with his words,
and to teach them by his example.
Help us by his prayers to keep the faith he taught,
and to follow the way of life he showed us. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Our Father (1)
Hail Mary (1)
Glory be to the Father (1)